When Google was on the come up as a budding idea working its way through the R and D stages, all that would become Google was housed in a Lego brick storage compartment. The compartment housed 10 four gigabyte hard drives, and nothing more. Now, Google is the most frequented search engine website, with head…
Category: Seo news
Three SEO Tools Your Website Cannot Live Without
Did you know that Google mows the lawn of its headquarters using goats? Although Google may have some unconventional tendencies, it is still the most-used search engine in the world. In fact, Google receives nearly 70% of the search engine market share. That is why it is important to utilize SEO, or search engine optimization,…
Being Smart with SEO
Running a business can be a massive undertaking. You have to stay on top of everything, from inventories to employee management to customer service, among an endless list of other things. With such a full plate, it can be easy to overlook what is often the most vital aspect of staying afloat: marketing. The market…
Working on your internet marketing plan
It has been a long time since Google was just a research project with humble beginnings, with LEGO bricks being used by its founders to house their 10 4 gigabyte hard drives that were being used to test an algorithm. If you want your internet marketing plan to succeed, it is important that you, or…