Pander refers to “At when can children receive the palatal extension?” Answer: It’s easy. The child’s palate develops quickly between seven and eight years old. This YouTube clip “Getting A Palatal Expander” explains a use for a palatal extender. The palatal extender is usually used by an orthodontist who treats children. It is necessary for about a month or two when children are in the process of developing. Since the jaws are growing and developing, this is the reason it’s only required for a few months or two for children. The jaws of adults who have become solid require more time.
Do Palatal Expanders Work?
A palatal extender is an apparatus that is able to expand the palate. The palatal expander functions by expanding the jaw of a person with a narrow. It is a valuable tool for children who experience the problem of crowding. It allows orthodontists to be able to make room in the upper jaws of their patients to maneuver teeth with crowded spaces. The palatal extender can also serve to treat overcrowded teeth. Once the child is puberty, their upper jaw expands and is with its expanded position.
The root cause of the narrowed mouth is due to problems with the skeletal system. Braces are able to correct teeth but they are not able to help improve the jawline. That’s why a palatal expander is necessary.