The seller.
First, consider fair market value. Fair market value is established in various different ways. The basic concept is that it should be decided by a buyer and seller. The fair market value may be determined using comps, regardless of whether or not the data is from similar market or from other sources. Information points like revenue, profitability, income and assets are used to arrive on a fair market price. This method is usually favored by different medical professionals.
Another way to evaluate an activity is as an investment it could be viewed as synergistic. This isn’t based on any previous precedent or standards and it depends on what buyers will be willing to have to pay. The presenter suggests buyers who use this method to think about and compare many alternatives prior to committing to an offer.
If you’re in need of assistance for the cost of your vet practice, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance! The process also includes memorial services to veterinarian practices.