We are going to take a look at some aspects of search engine optimization that you may not know. We will also look at some SEO tools and procedures that can help you with your website.
Most of us know that Google is perhaps the top search engine used by people searching for information. When Google was just a research project, the founders used LEGO bricks. LEGO bricks? Yes, LEGO bricks were used to create a storage compartment for the 10 four gigabyte hard drives they were using to test the PageRank algorithm. It is a safe bet that LEGOs are no longer used for storage compartments. Oh, and the PageRank algorithm process is named after Larry Page, one of the co founders of Google.
As you probably are aware, search is very popular on the Internet. In fact, 92 percent of U.S. adults perform at least one search each day. That probably adds up to a lot of searches each and every day, and a good reason to embrace search engine optimization.
So, while the LEGOs reference may not affect your efforts at search engine optimization, there are many other processes that need to be included in SEO. You know that you need to be at the top of the rankings because people rarely go past that first page of results. There are many processes that go into search engine optimization that can help you gain those top listings.
For instance, did you know that having a blog can affect your page rankings? Statistics show that companies who have blogs have 434 more indexed pages, which result in far more leads. Now in terms of the cost of search engine optimization, those inbound leads that come from good SEO, cost 61 percent less than outbound leads from traditional methods such as cold calling and print advertising.
Search engine optimization can also include making sure that your website is easily used by mobile device users. Many users will not use a site that is not optimized for use by smart phones or tablets. This can lead to a loss of sales.
Search engine optimization is important to the overall success of your website and its Google rankings. You should consider contacting an Internet marketing firm to help you with search engine optimization, and other SEO marketing processes.